
There are floral arrangements and then there are live botanical artwork creations. Browse Terry Furuta Designs and enjoy her singular gift for design with live botanical arrangements.

Terrarium Care

Terrarium Care


In your possession is a true Terrarium. The difference from a Terrarium and a container garden is the lid. The lid acts as a seal to trap water and humidity which creates the perfect environment to house your terrarium plants. Ideally, with proper lighting and the right amount of water, you shouldn't have to touch your terrarium. Leave the lid on, and let it thrive. 


Moldy terrariums are generally a result of too much water. If the mold is limited to a single plant, remove the affected plant from the terrarium. If it's just a dead leaf or bloom that's moldy, remove that. Ground Cinnamon is a natural fungicide. Sprinkle a little ground cinnamon around the edge, where the glass meets the rocks (preferably rocks of brown color, or bark so the cinnamon doesn't show too much.) Up to a teaspoon of ground cinnamon is enough to prevent any harmful bacteria from spreading. If there is too much water in your terrarium, you will know by how much condensation there is on the sides and lid. If it is so dense with condensation that you cannot see the plants, “burp” the lid by closing it at an angle. This will allow the air to circulate around the lid (but it is not completely open). 


Add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of filtered water approximately every 3 to 4 months. The terrarium will need water if the glass hasn't fogged up for a few days and the moss is dry to the touch. Don't forget to place the lid back on right after you water it. And remember, it's always much easier to add more water than to get extra water out, so water sparingly. 


Bright, indirect light is best. Avoid full sun so you don't fry the plants. 

Dead Plants

Dead plants will need to be replaced immediately. Come see us, we have the individual plants available. Plants that thrive in terrariums are most indoor plants that need low light, medium water, and thrive in humid environments. Some suggested terrarium-friendly plants include salaginella, small ferns, polka dot plant, peperomia, mini orchids and air plants. 


Green Moss: Moss is a good indicator of Terrarium overall health. Too much water = dark soggy brown or black. Not enough water = dry light brown or tan.

Light Condensation: Mostly clear, with light beading of water on sides and lid. If there is so much condensation that the whole globe is fogged, and you cannot see the plants, BURP THAT LID!

Mushrooms: when your terrarium is happy and healthy, you will see tiny little mushrooms sprouting up through the moss. This is a lucky sign! Good job!

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