
There are floral arrangements and then there are live botanical artwork creations. Browse Terry Furuta Designs and enjoy her singular gift for design with live botanical arrangements.

Preserved Moss Care

Preserved Moss Care

Natural reindeer moss is treated with glycerin as a preservative that renders a lifelike appearance that lasts indefinitely. Preserved moss provides evergreen beauty to interior spaces. But it is almost completely maintenance free, as well.

Preserved most remains lush and green but has no water, light, soil, or nutritional requirements. This makes it the perfect choice for commercial and residential settings.

Do NOT at any time provide these maintenance services to preserved moss:

·       Irrigation

·       Fertilization

·       Pesticide applications

·       Supplemental light

·       Soil or soil amendments

On a monthly basis, DO:

·       Lightly dust preserved moss with an ostrich feather duster or microfiber duster to remove cobwebs, barely making contact with the moss using a dabbing rather than swiping motion applied only where dust or cobwebs are visible to the eye

On an annual basis, DO:

·       Use a hair dryer (coolest setting) or a blower, from a distance, to dislodge any dust or cobwebs not removed during monthly maintenance.


Most installations will not need repair unless they fall prey to curious hands or are abraded by human passage over time. In these instances, spots repair may be necessary. Contact your installer, who is equipped and qualified to make any necessary repairs to preserved moss installations.

Open Terrarium Care

Open Terrarium Care

Kokedama Care

Kokedama Care